A cross section of geometry and analysis study
4-5 Nov 2024 Mulhouse (France)


Magalie Bénéfice (Nancy)

Brownian motions in subRiemannian manifolds. 


Florian Johne (Freiburg-im-Breisgau)

Topology and geometry of metrics of positive intermediate curvature.


Eva Kopfer (Bonn)

Density-constrained optimal transport.

Leonie Langer (Ulm)

Heterogeneity and Incompressibility in the Evolution of Elastic Wires.

Elastic wires are mathematical curves composed of matter. They are used to model approximately one-dimensional elastic objects like plant stems, polymers, marine cables or hair. 
The elastic energy of a sufficiently smooth regular curve $\gamma\colon\mathbb{S}^1\to\RR^2$ describing an elastic wire is defined as 
    \mathcal{E}(\gamma)=\frac12\int_\gamma\vert\kappa\vert^2\mathrm{d} s.
Here, $\kappa=\partial_s^2\gamma$ is the curvature of $\gamma$, $\partial_s=\vert\partial_x\gamma\vert^{-1}\partial_x$, and $\mathrm{d} s=\vert\partial_x\gamma\vert\mathrm{d} x$ is the arclength element.
In the last decades, several authors have studied the $L^2$-gradient flow of the elastic energy in different variants. We briefly summarize their results and then focus on two new variants.

First, we consider elastic wires with a heterogeneity described by a density function. We define a generalization of the elastic energy, which depends on material parameters, captures the interplay between curvature and density effects and resembles the Canham--Helfrich functional. 
Describing the closed planar curve by its inclination angle, the $L^2$-gradient flow of this energy is a nonlocal coupled parabolic system of second order. We shortly discuss local well-posedness, global existence and convergence. Then, we show that the (non)preservation of quantities such as convexity as well as the asymptotic behavior of the system depend delicately on the choice of material parameters. 

Second, we study the evolution of elastic wires under the assumption of incompressiblity and derive a gradient flow of the elastic energy which preserves the enclosed area of the evolving planar curves. Contrary to an earlier approach using Lagrange multipliers, we give priority to the locality of the evolution equation, accepting it being of sixth order. We prove a global existence result and, by penalizing the length, we show convergence to an area constrained critical point of the elastic energy.

Jianyu Ma (Toulouse)

Displacement functional and absolute continuity of Wasserstein barycenters.


Dorian Martino (Zürich)

Classification of branched Willmore spheres.

In 1984, Byrant proved that smooth Willmore spheres are all conformal transformations of minimal surfaces. However, the case of branched Willmore spheres was left open. In the 2000s, the interest in analytical questions surrounding Willmore surfaces, such as compactness questions or the Willmore flow, lead to important contributions in the study of branched Willmore surfaces. Two attempts of Lamm-Nguyen in 2015 and Michelat-Rivière 2019 allowed to extend Bryant’s classification to some branched Willmore spheres. In this talk, I will fully answer the question: every branched Willmore sphere is a conformal transformation of a minimal surface. After introducing Willmore surfaces and the conformal Gauss map, I will present some key idea of the proof.

Jona Seidel (Darmstadt)

The soul of Alexandrov spaces.


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