Seven doctoral students or new doctors in geometry, analysis, probability or their interaction give a presentation of their reasearch topics to a broad mathematical audience. Moreover has the encounter a stong French-German coloration and is through the French-German University supported.
Magalie Bénéfice (Université de Lorraine) ;Brownian motions in subRiemannian manifolds.
Florian Johne (Universität Freiburg) ;Topology and geometry of metrics of positive intermediate curvature.
Eva Kopfer (Universität Bonn) ; Density-constrained optimal transport.
Leonie Langer (Universität Ulm) ;Heterogeneity and Incompressibility in the Evolution of Elastic Wires.
Jianyu Ma (Université de Toulouse) ;Displacement functional and absolute continuity of Wasserstein barycenters.
Dorian Martino (Université de Paris) ;Classification of branched Willmore spheres.
Jona Seidel (Universität Darmstadt) ; The soul of Alexandrov spaces.
We can found at least the hotel and accomodation for a few young participants. Please contact the organisors before October 15th.
Nadine Große (Freiburg i-B), Nicolas Juillet (Mulhouse), Christian Ketterer (Maynooth). Email: